I found these pics from the Internet - the night view of Dubai. Omg, so beautiful. It's something that I won't be able to find elsewhere. Not sure if I can see the similar view in KL. Well I'm staying in a small village in a small town, and I seldom go to town nor city nowadays, so such view is just so fascinating for me. I'm sure you guys are amazed as well right?
Life is big city is complicated. People in big city is complicated. Going to city once awhile is fine, but staying there will be killing me. I prefer a simple life, it's much more peaceful that way. Maybe I should move to graveyard. I think it should be very peaceful and quiet there... very scary tho.
Anyway, the view is just awesome. Really beautiful. Well this reminds me, there was once I went to city with friends, I found something very interesting and "wow" here and "wow" there. Then my friends said, "Now everyone knows you are from rural area"... They said,
大乡里出城, or in English, the country bumpkin going to town.
Bla bla bla.
I'm going to bed now.